Monday, April 17, 2006

Formal Context

A formal context is a triple of sets (O,A,I)

O is a set of objects
A is a set of attributes
I is a binary relation between A and O (O X A Matrix)

The notation oIa,
o is a member of O
a is a member of A

(o,a) is a member of I

More simply, the formal context can be visualized as a vector space model
where each row represents an object from O and each column represents an attribute from A. Each matrix element presents the occurence/existence of attribute a in object o. Various variant of such a model exists with the different being the matrix element function. For example, the matrix element value might represent the degree of significant of the attribute a in object o, instead of simply representing the existence.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Ahem Ahem. Listen to this...


仰望著天空 看到了滿天的秘密
快告訴我 我是喝醉了

愛吧 笑吧 相信吧 等吧
我在等 等著熟悉的今天

進步是當你決定放手一搏的時候 放手一搏吧

我 只想換回一個真正的我

NERD MUST HAVE: Ergonomic Handkerchief

This series of handkerchief comes with a nose pouch, which supposed your nose will fits in when you sneezed. Theoretically this design should catch everything that your nose throws out. But practically the design will causes the creation of region on the handkerchief with high density cluster of germs. Such distribution can results in uneven utilization of handkerchief spaces and likely to be difficult to be washed.

To counter with the density issue, I proposed that the handkerchief fabric materials should be chosen that allows the absorption of mucus and distribution to areas of handkerchief based on current density level.

Just another bored posting. :p

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Flashbag Flash Drive

The idea of FlashBag is to provide sort of visual cue to indicate to the owner the utilized space of the Flashdrive. No a bad concept, as you might not need to plug in the drive to actually check out the remaining capacity. However, besides the creativity and entertaining effects of the Flashbag, I doubt it poses any real usefulness. Some of the disadvantages include blockage of the surrouding space near USB port, imprecise reflection of the remaining space when the Flashdrive capacity is too large, and you might even get yourself caught as suspicious terrorist members when going through the airport check.

Keep it simple, a digital gauge indicator is definitely better.

PlusMinus Design

J2EE and Java EE. Which one sounds better?

The name of the Java platform for the enterprise has been simplified. Formerly, the platform was known as Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE), and specific versions had "dot numbers" such as J2EE 1.4. The "2" is dropped from the name, as well as the dot number. So the next version of the Java platform for the enterprise is Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 5 (Java EE 5).

Personally, I like Java EE. I dislike the idea of introducing quantifiable numeric into the name of a product. I just felt that the existence of numbers in any name will causes some degree of loss of abstraction, creativity and makes people speak like as if they are really a nerd (Which in fact they might not). The name of J2EE is even worst as the number 2 is located in the middle, not as prefix or suffix of the name.

No offence to people who named J2EE. Just my 2 cents. :p

Time Machine I Bought Just Arrived

Within 1 month time after I submitted the official previous KWSP statement request form (Which proved to be useless) and faxed in a letter for the same purpose twice (One as initial request and the other as reminder), finally I received my KWSP statements from year 2001 to 2006 in my physical mail box today. Well, I only "ordered" for year 2001-2003 statements and they gave me till 2006, and this is one thing I'm happy about it. Besides this, one thing I need to complain abit about the entire process is that the process is almost fully manual, instead of computerized. As the largest retirement fund in Malaysia, I thought that their system must be automated to certain extend and formalized in the sense that the public knows how to follow the process, instead of raising the need to keep on buzzing the helpdesk or even their internal personnel personally. This causes latency and waste of public resources. I need to thank and express my appreciation to those staffs that help me in getting what I needed and I just want to blame and curse the processs, not the human.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Another nice song. Janice 卫兰 - 心乱如麻

Singer 歌手:卫兰
Album 专辑:My Love

Track 06.心乱如麻
曲 编 监:雷颂德


Search for this song in

or alternatively, here is a link I found pointed to Mp3 file of this song. Please buy original CD.

卫兰 - 心乱如麻

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

This is THE game you can't really miss out. I've playing out Elder Scrolls series since Morrowind, and the series never let me down yet. The Oblivion is released on 20 March 2006. Despite recent heavy work load, both from my job and study, I going to get a copy of this piece of art and devote some precious time on it. Cross my finger, no lies.

Elder Scrolls: Official Home Page

Some screen shots from the game:

Java Technology Road Map

Just in case you ever wonder how BIG the planet of Java is, here is a brief Java's world map. Can you differentiate the "North" or "South" of the world?

Java Technology Road Map

Thursday, April 06, 2006

To All KLSE and MESDAQ Investor.

Here is the best advice to all share investors. Hold to it and it sure will guarantee your investment successes.

Don't gamble; take all your savings and buy some good stock and hold it till it goes up, then sell it. If it don't go up, don't buy it.

Will Rogers (1879 - 1935)

Source from Motivational Quotes of the Day