Saturday, June 29, 2013

Passed 70-341 Core Solutions of Microsoft Exchange Server 2013

This examination was comparatively difficult because of the scarcity of targeted certification study materials and administrators coming from any of the prior versions of Exchange properly got shocked by architectural changes made in 2013 and not many have the opportunity to really hands-on that long to prepare for this examination. Well, since my learning is to equip one-self by the knowledge needed to withstand technological environment risks and integration hassles, I guess it should be even harder for me, right? LOL

Anyway, behold while I list down my study materials.

* Virtual Lab
* Mastering Microsoft Exchange Server 2010
* Exchange Server 2013 Unleashed
* TechNet
* Articles

I need to admit that some of the books are not for the light-hearted whom sole purpose is just to get the certification or simply looking for introductory materials but having read through any of the books will set you the right expectation about the product and administration role of managing the product infrastructure.
Oh well, passing it with 899 is not so bad for me I think. :)

And by the way, Prometric website nowadays seems unreliable. Page error popped up after I made payment and no email notification on anything even though the support replied and said they did, Grrr. And yes, I did check my spam folder. LOL

More exams to come :)

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Technology is Inevitable to Modern Life Style

Just when I thought my desire to watch movies at cinema was totally diminished after a disappointing experience watching Ironman-3, the release of Star Trek: Into Darkness in IMAX 3D really reignites the economics of utility maximization in my decision making process in determining whether to watch in "Cinema" or "Blu-ray" or "HD format download".

I watched Avater in 3D and it was an OK experience with slight issue with my glasses and I watched another 3D movie which was so inferior that I slept half-way and can't even remember its' name while writing this post.

Skeptism crawled in when I was in the final page of online booking making the credit card payment, well, what the heck, I'm gonna give this entertainment shit one last chance and it turned out to be a great movie experience.


Nonetheless, one serious ramification shall be I don't think I would be able to watch any more good movies at cinema without something like IMAX and all "junk" movies goes to home theatre.
