Wednesday, January 21, 2009

FW: Auspicious Day to start work in 2009

The chart below tabulates the auspicious state of the days during Chinese New Year 2009 for each zodiac sign. Well, different masters might have their own way of predicting the same thing. Who knows who is correct, yeah?

Top Blogs

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Giant Tomato Fight in China

15 Tons of Saucy Goo

Maybe you're familiar with the massive tomato fight in the Spanish town of Bunol - - well, now China has its own saucy fiesta.

Condom With Tape Measure

When Size Really Matters

Condometric - - a condom from Spain, with a measuring stick down the side - - allows men (and their sex partners) to see how they measure up.

Chocolate Bath

Personal Hygiene Never Tasted So Good
From Buck Wolf,

Visitors paint chocolate on their cheeks while they enjoy a chocolate bath in Hakone, Kanagawa, Japan.

Why I don't drink Tequilla anymore?

Allergic babies


Allergy is becoming an increasingly prevalent problem in many countries, especially among our young.

ALLERGIC diseases represent a major and increasing health problem in industrialised countries. Over the past five decades, the prevalence of allergic diseases has increased dramatically and the incidence has doubled in the last 20 years in most industrialised countries.

In some countries, for example Australia and Sweden, 40% of young children have allergic disorders.

In Malaysia, about 30% of young children are likely to develop allergic disorders in the first five years of life.

The most common allergic conditions in children and infants are food allergies, eczema, asthma and allergic rhinitis. Allergies are often life-long and although treatable, they tend to recur if the triggers are not strictly avoided. Some food allergies spontaneously improve within three years but are often replaced by respiratory allergies. Thus, it makes sense to try to prevent the development of allergies in early life than trying to treat them later.

Hence, there is great interest to identify the risk factors associated with the development of allergic disorders in early life and modify them to reduce subsequent risks for development of allergy.

Many studies show that breast milk decreases the incidence of allergic eczema compared to cow’s milk.

Risk factors for allergy

The development and appearance of allergic symptoms depends on poorly-understood complex interactions between genetic and environmental factors.

It is evident historically that changing environmental factors have played a major role for the increasing trends in allergy and asthma. Obviously, we have some control over the environmental risk factors but we have practically no control over genetic factors, which have an equal role in the development of allergic disorders.

Families often ask how allergy can be prevented in future offspring. The American Academy of Pediatrics published a clinical report in 2008 with recommendations for those infants at high risk of developing allergic disease. Avoidance of the major risk factors could reduce or prevent the development of allergic disease in most infants. For the avoidance measures to work, the first two years of life are critical and the measures must be applied before the development of allergy in the neonate.

These recommendations do not apply to babies already having food allergy. The major risk factors for the development of allergy in infancy are:

· Strong family history of allergic disease (both parents or one parent plus one sibling with allergy) may significantly increase the risk for allergy in the newborn.

· Exclusive breast feeding is desirable for least four months compared with feeding with intact cow’s milk. Many studies show that breast milk decreases the incidence of allergic eczema compared to cow’s milk.

Partially hydrolysed whey formula, which is hypoallergenic (reduced ability to stimulate and induce an IgE-mediated immune response) formula is preferred as supplementary feed for babies. The hypoallergenic formula is the preferred feed for the baby when the mother is unable to breastfeed. There is no role for soy-based formula in allergy prevention.

· Solid foods should not be introduced before ages four to six months. Early introduction of solid foods increases the risk, but delayed introduction of solid foods beyond six months provides no advantage.

· Exposure as a child or infant to high levels of house dust-mite allergens (allergens are substances, usually proteins, that cause allergy) increases risk to respiratory allergies. Anti-dust mite barrier encasing of mattress and pillows may provided some protection. Regular use of anti-dust mite sprays to reduce the level of dust mite allergens in the home environment is desirable. These procedures are specifically important for Malaysia, which has high dust-mite allergens levels in the home environment.

· Exposure to some indoor mammalian pets (e.g. cat) increases risk in the baby. Keep the pets strictly outside the house away from the baby’s play area and bedroom or remove the pets until the baby is older.

· No smoking should be permitted in the house during pregnancy and lactation. Passive exposure to cigarette smoke during pregnancy or infancy increases the risk for allergy significantly in early life.

· Passive exposures to cigarette smoke during pregnancy or infancy increases the risk for allergy significantly in early life.

· Exposure to environmental pollution as a child or infant (e.g. high levels of car exhaust fumes or fumes from gas heaters) increases the risk.

Maternal diet during pregnancy and lactation The earliest possible nutritional influence on allergy in the infant is the diet of the pregnant mother.

It is well known that food allergens in the diet of the mother can appear in the circulation and be transmitted to the amniotic fluid during pregnancy or breast milk during lactation. The foetus in late pregnancy (when the immune system is immature but functional) can be sensitised (develop the capacity to react to allergens on subsequent exposure) to the food allergens present in the amniotic fluid. In families with a genetic predisposition, there is a good chance that the newborn, when re-exposed to the provoking foods (e.g. cow’s milk), will react with symptoms (e.g. diarrhoea, vomiting, colic, eczema) to the sensitising foods. In families without a genetic allergic-background, the sensitised baby will not react to the provoking allergens.

Prior to 2008, the American Academy of Pediatrics had recommended avoidance of peanuts, cow’s milk, soy milk, fish and eggs during pregnancy and lactation to reduce the risk for allergy to these foods in the baby.

However, in January 2008, the American Academy of Pediatrics reversed their position on maternal avoidance of specific foods. The current position, based on evidence from large number of research studies, does not support maternal avoidance of allergenic foods during pregnancy or lactation. Moreover, maternal avoidance of specific nutrition during pregnancy may not be conducive for the healthy growth of the baby.

Low levels of maternal dietary food-allergens present in breast milk may cause allergic symptoms (e.g. eczema) in exclusively breastfed babies. Our studies in Malaysia show that exclusively breastfed babies with skin symptoms are mostly reactive to cow’s milk and egg white proteins. However, in some babies, additional allergens such as wheat, peanuts, soy bean, sesame seeds, banana, chicken meat, garlic and many others were also contributory to the development of allergic eczema. In all these babies, there was a family history of allergy.

The continued breastfeeding and maternal avoidance of the provoking foods is normally advised when the infant is less than four to six months. In older infants, breast milk can be stopped and the weaning diet should exclude the provoking foods.

In all such cases it is essential to identify the provoking food allergens through blood allergy tests on the baby based on the maternal diet. Any delay in seeking allergy services may potentially lead to adverse clinical outcome due to unacceptable diagnostic oversight.

Food allergy in Malaysian children Investigations into food allergy in Malaysia were pioneered by Dr N. Iyngkaran and his colleagues, including myself, in the mid-70s at the then University Hospital.

At that time, chronic diarrhoea in infants was a major cause of morbidity and mortality. In a series of experimental studies, it was demonstrated that cow’s milk was the primary cause of the chronic gastroenteritis diarrhoea in young infants. These infants suffered from symptoms of vomiting, diarrhoea and colic. Moreover, the associated lactose intolerance was recognised as secondary to the intestinal mucosal damage inflicted by the cow’s milk allergic reaction. This was an important contribution because for the first time the relationship between cow’s milk allergy, intestinal mucosal damage, lactose intolerance and clinical symptoms became clear. The group went on to demonstrate that many other proteins, such as egg protein and soy protein, which caused allergic reactions in young infants and children, were also responsible for marked intestinal mucosal aberrations.

One interesting study performed by the group showed that about 40% of infants with cow’s milk allergy developed allergic reaction to soy milk even if the baby had not been exposed to soy products previously. Only in recent years has it become clear that cow’s milk casein shares common allergens with soy protein and hence infants sensitised to casein will eventually react to soy if it is used as a substitute in infants allergic to cow’s milk.

Adverse reactions to cow’s milk are frequently seen in the first year of life in infants on bottle feed. Cow’s milk allergy is present in 3-5% of infants and 85% will outgrow the milk allergy by the third year.

However, in some children, particularly those with high titres of IgE antibody and severe symptoms, the milk allergy will persist longer, usually into adolescence and sometimes into adulthood.

The symptoms of cow’s milk allergy usually starts in the first weeks of life. The main symptoms of cow’s milk allergy are:

gastrointestinal in about half the infants; skin eczema in two-third of infants; and respiratory problems in about quarter of infants. In many infants, all three symptoms may be present.

Young children with eczema are at a higher risk of developing food allergy, particularly those infants and toddlers whose skin disease is more severe or recalcitrant to therapy. Generally, the younger the patient and the more severe the eczema, the more likely food allergy is a causative factor.

Parental perceptions with regards to food allergy in their children are notoriously inaccurate. Parents often have very strongly held beliefs that certain foods cause a variety of symptoms, many of which are inconsistent with an immune-mediated process.

In fact, when the diagnosis of IgE-mediated food allergy are performed in an established laboratory using approved allergy tests, only about 40% of patients’ histories of food-induced reactions can be verified. Thus it is very important to conduct an allergy test at a centre managed by professionals.

Food allergy in children is most likely to manifest between one and three years. In Malaysian infants less than one year old, the foods causing allergy in order of importance are cow’s milk, soy milk, chicken eggs and fish.

On the other hand, in children more than two years old, the foods causing allergy in order of importance are shellfish (prawns/shrimp), cow’s milk, chicken eggs, wheat, soy and peanuts. In 70% of children, chicken egg allergy lasts until the twelfth year.

Peanut allergy tends to be long-lasting, with 20% infants resolving by the ninth year, but in the rest, it may be life-long. Avoidance of the provoking foods is essential for success in treating food allergy.

The only objective method of measuring IgE antibodies is to use technology that is calibrated against established reference preparations. The CAP RAST blood test is scientifically considered superior to any other allergy test for the detection of the provoking allergen in the infant’s diet. It is a quantitative test with each run incorporating controls which are standardised against WHO standards. The blood allergy test is not affected by medications, including anti-histamines.

Elimination of the food allergen is the only proven effective therapy at this time. Strict dietary avoidance is generally recommended once a food allergy is diagnosed.

If the mother is breastfeeding, she must also strictly eliminate the causal foods from her diet. Clinical tolerance can develop over time, more commonly to some foods (milk, egg, soy, wheat) over others (peanut, tree nuts, seafood). In time, the baby will outgrow the allergy brought on by the provoking food (e.g. cow’s milk or chicken eggs) and show no food-specific IgE-antibody. Only then can the problematic food be successfully reintroduced into the diet of the child without worrying about the development of adverse reactions. In rare cases, some food (e.g. chicken egg, shrimp/prawn, bird’s nest soup) may cause severe systemic life-threatening reaction (called anaphylaxis) within minutes of ingestion of the provoking food. The symptoms appear rapidly, usually with minutes of exposure to the provoking food. The symptoms include: (1) skin or mucosal involvement (e.g. generalised hives or swelling of oral mucosa), (2) respiratory compromise (e.g. dyspnea, wheeze), (3) persistent gastrointestinal symptoms (e.g. vomiting), (4) hypotension (e.g. hypotonia, fainting).

Epinephrine, which is dispensed in special syringes called Epipen, is clearly the treatment of choice for anaphylaxis. Following epinephrine treatment, the individual should be rushed to the hospital.

Certainly, having signs of hypotension (even without accompanying symptoms) is an indication for epinephrine administration, particularly in a child with known food allergy. It is important to identify the provoking foods through food allergy tests if any one has had this experience of anaphylaxis since such episodes tend to reappear in reactive individuals. Avoiding the trigger resolves the problem.

Food allergy in infancy predicts respiratory allergy in mid-childhood.

Food allergy in infants less than one year old predicts the development of respiratory allergy and asthma in children five to eight years old.

There are ways for physicians to increase the predictive value of the allergy test. One factor is the level of specific IgE antibody in serum, which can affect the presence, persistence and severity of the allergic disease. Thus the risk of developing asthma increases with increasing specific antibody levels.

A sensitised infant with specific IgE antibody to food allergens (e.g. cow’s milk, chicken egg) and/or aeroallergens (e.g. cat dander, dust mite) summing up to a total of 0.5 kilounits per litre (kU/L) has 20% risk of developing persistent wheezing/asthma, but if the summed antibody level is greater than 10 kU/L in early life, the predictive value for wheezing/asthma increases to 90% at five years of age.

This definitely calls for quantification of IgE antibody levels if allergy is suspected in the young baby for assessing the severity of the disease. Allergy is not a simple yes or no phenomenon of allergy tests. Recent studies show that prediction and diagnosis of allergy needs to be based on several factors, including quantitative of IgE antibody levels.


In Malaysia, food allergies in infancy are increasing rapidly. In young infants, the most common foods causing allergies are cow’s milk and chicken eggs. The next commonest are soy milk, wheat, fish and peanuts.

In older children, shellfish (e.g. shrimp/prawns, crab), in addition to the other foods noted in infancy, is most important.

The majority of children with food allergy in the first year of life will develop respiratory allergy to house dust mites during mid-childhood. Thus, early measures to prevent the risk for development of allergy are desirable.

For further information, e-mail The information provided is for educational and communication purposes only and it should not be construed as personal medical advice. Information published in this article is not intended to replace, supplant or augment a consultation with a health professional regarding the reader’s own medical care. The Star does not give any warranty on accuracy, completeness, functionality, usefulness or other assurances as to the content appearing in this column. The Star disclaims all responsibility for any losses, damage to property or personal injury suffered directly or indirectly from reliance on such information.

Singapore high-end properties likely to keep dropping in price

SINGAPORE: After two years of double-digit growth, prices for luxury properties in Singapore came crashing down last year and analysts are predicting another sharp drop in the year to come.

In a recent report by the real estate agency CB Richard Ellis estimated that 55 percent of the 2,200 luxury units built in the city-state between 2006 and 2008 remained unsold as of November while, in another review, the Swiss bank UBS pointed out that units in two high-profile developments, Ardmore II and Scotts Square, recently sold at 20 percent less than their launching prices.

Also, there has been talk of the first default on a house in the upscale waterfront development of Sentosa Cove, which, if true, would underscore the financial pressures facing even wealthy investors.

Signs that the local property bubble was bursting started to appear in late 2007, especially in the over-heated high-end market, and last year the number of transactions slowed considerably, with fewer than 4,400 new private homes changing hands, compared with a record 14,811 in 2007.

Official preliminary estimates by the state's Urban Redevelopment Authority point to an overall price decline of 4.3 percent in 2008, a relatively minor correction when compared with the 31.2 percent increase in 2007 - but the fourth-quarter decline alone was 5.7 percent on an annual basis, the largest drop in a decade.

(Singapore's economy technically went into recession in 2008, although it still grew an estimated 1.5 percent on a year-on-year basis.)

Property analysts point out that the market's fall has not been uniform, with the luxury end registering much sharper losses in value - as much as 35 percent in prime districts.

Foo Sze Ming, an analyst at OCBC bank, said he believes that high-end properties are still the most vulnerable part of the market because there are so many unsold units and there are growing fears that buyers may default.

"We are expecting a 15 to 20 percent decline in high-end property prices in 2009," on top of the 2008 drops, he said.

Tay Huey Ying, director of research and consultancy at the Colliers International agency, had a similarly bleak outlook.

"Properties in this segment are likely to be the hardest hit in this downturn, with prices potentially being depressed by an estimated 15 percent to 20 percent for the whole of 2009," she said.

Many property analysts say they are concerned that there was a sword of Damocles hanging over the Singapore property market.

During the Asian financial crisis of 1997, a Deferred Payment Scheme was introduced that allowed buyers to make down payments of 10 to 20 percent and defer the remaining balance until the property was completed, typically two or three years later. Approximately 10,450 homes bought on deferred payments are to be completed this year and in 2010, stoking fears that cash-strapped buyers could start dumping them before the balances are due.

Foo said there might be defaults but that the risks also might be overstated.

"I do not think that default risk is widespread among all buyers," he said. "It is likely that speculators and investors will be the group that is more likely to default and genuine buyers who are buying properties to stay in them are less likely to default, in my opinion."

Some analysts still were putting on a brave face.

"Singapore's midterm economic prospects are fundamentally sound, being well supported by the ongoing economic restructuring works," Tay said.

The city-state does have a lot to offer medium- to long-term investors, given its increasing importance as a major financial center, said Christopher Fossick, managing director for Southeast Asia at the Jones Lang LaSalle agency. As proof, he pointed to the recent report commissioned by Mayor Boris Johnson of London that said the rising status of regional hubs like Singapore and Dubai was threatening London's position as the world's financial capital.

Fossick also noted that Singapore had no capital gains tax on real estate, the property market was highly transparent for foreign investors, and financial gains could be easily repatriated.

"Demand for the residential market is there. It might be standing on the sidelines for now because of the uncertain outlook, but we can see there is very strong demand," Fossick said, pointing out that household debt was relatively low in Singapore and the household savings rate was 45 percent, "miles away from those in the U.S. or U.K." Savings rates are 11 percent in the United States and 14 percent in Britain.

Fossick believed the city-state could soon start to benefit from property investors scaling back in other markets.

"Foreign funds that have played a major role in property developments in the country are looking at the market and telling us they would like to make some investment in the residential property market in 2009 and 2010," he said.

"They are looking at the opportunity of buying land or buying several units from a developer to rent them out and get the immediate yield," he added. "They're also looking to coming in at the development stage with existing developers."

Memory pill that could help with exam revision could be available soon

A "memory pill" that could aid exam revision and help to prevent people forgetting important anniversaries may soon be available over the counter.

By Lucy Cockcroft

Memory-enhancing pills, created to treat Alzheimer's disease, could be redeveloped as a 'lifestyle pill' to combat memory loss and help exam revision.

The medicine has been designed originally to help treat Alzheimer's disease, but could be adapted and licensed for sale in a weaker form within the next few years.

One brand of memory-enhancing pill is being developed by the multinational company AstraZeneca in collaboration with Targacept, an American company, while Epix Pharmaceuticals, also from the US, is developing another.

Both have "cognitive-enhancing effects" which are aimed at treating patients with age-related memory loss.

Steven Ferris, a neurologist and former committee member of the Food and Drug Administration in the US, has predicted that a milder version will be available for healthy consumers as a "lifestyle pill" available over the counter.

Dr Ferris said: "My view is that one could gain approval, provided you showed the drugs to be effective and safe. It could be a huge market."

There is anecdotal evidence that mind-improving drugs are already being taken in Britain by healthy users.

Provigil, used to treat narcolepsy, is being taken by some students to help them stay awake, while Adderall XR and Ritalin, treatments for attention deficit disorder, are being used to help promote concentration.

A spokesman Adderall XR said: "We get a lot of calls from college campuses asking about it.

"There are risks though. It can raise blood pressure, people shouldn't do it."

The Department of Health said it was not illegal to buy the medicines over the internet, but it was not recommended.

Barbara Sahakian, professor of clinical neuropsychology at Cambridge, said: "It's hard to quantify the scale of the phenomenon but it's definitely catching on.

"The reality is we're not always at our best. After being up at night looking after the kids or travelling, many people would love to have something to sharpen them up. It's not taboo to drink Red Bull. The principle with cognition enhancers is not so different."


IBM Rational Portfolio Manager (assuming version is using Dynamic Linking Library (DLL) as its implementation for some of the database objects, namely stored procedure (SP) and user defined functions (UDF). More precisely the file name of this dll is IBMRPM.dll and it resides in two locations, i.e. ${DB2_INSTALL_ROOT}\FUNCTION\IBMRPM.dll and ${DB2_INSTALL_ROOT}\FUNCTION\unfenced\IBMRPM.dll.

During RPM installations/migrations, the process will define the linkage between SP/UDF to the appropriate methods in the dll and this piece of information is stored in SYSIBM.SYSROUTINES table's IMPLEMENTATION column.

The problem with IBM RPM installation is that it hardcoded the directory information in IMPLEMENTATION column. This shall causes portability issue when you desire to move the system to another environment where the ${DB2_INSTALL_ROOT} is not consistent with each other. For example, your initial RPM machine might have DB2 at drive C then the latest environment put it in drive E.

In such a setting, after you restored the database successfully into the new environment, you shall get alerts and some errors in the application server's logs specifying database errors with SQLSTATE 42724 REASON CODE 4.

You maybe be tempted to update the path information directly in SYSIBM but the column is only updateable through a proper DROP/CREATE PROCEDURE or ALTER PROCEDURE and in this case the number of objects to change is way too many even if you plan to write a batch script for it.

A shortcut to this problem is to copy the IBMRPM.dll and create the necessary dummy folders that reflect the original path information and paste them there. This works but it's not recommended because it might causes complication next time when doing patching or upgrading of RPM.

The best way to resolve this is to reuse some of the scripts from the installer.

Note: Please do this at your own risk. Backup everything first.

Step 1: Setting Up Environment

To do this, open up an instance of DB2CMD.

Change Directory (CD) to ${RPM_INSTALLER}\Database\DB2\Windows\CSP

If you are using DB2 V9, Please set the following environment variables using:


Note: Please make sure the above path end with a slash (\)



You will then login to DB2 by using the user name where the name is the schema name of the objects. For example, DB2ADMIN. If you are not sure what name is that, you can always open up the control center and browse the list of stored procedures and check the schema name column. A common procedure is the SP_LOGON.

db2 connect to MYRPM user db2admin using your_password

Step 2: Recreate SP/UDF

Run the drop_sp.bat by using the following command:

drop_sp.bat > drop_sp.log

Check the drop_sp.log to verify the completion.

Run the create_sp.bat by using the following command:

create_sp.bat > create_sp.log

Check the create_sp.log to verify the completion.

Step 3: Bind packages

Because the dropping of previous SP/UDF invalidated package objects used by RPM, you need to bind them again. Open bindall.bat using notepad or other editor. Copy the for loop command and paste it in a new file. Name the file bindall2.bat. Change the value for QUALIFIER to DB2ADMIN. Save it and run the following command using the previous DB2 Command Window session.

bindall2.bat > bindall2.log

Check the bindall2.log to verify the completion.

You might want to recycle your DB2 process to get a fresh start.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Home Baked CNY Cookies

Careful if you plan to buy these delicious yet potentially "interesting" home made cookies. One of the cookie jars Mrs. Nerdy bought comes with a pet which might unwittingly be part of your snacks. LOL. Will return it for another jar.

Auspicious Year for Me?

Every year is auspicious for me, of course. :-)

Torturing this Pest!

To reward people who regularly visit my nerdy blog, please check out the 4th rat I've caught. Disgusting ya. :-p

Previous Post about Mouse Killing

Result of Weeds Killing - After 2 Weeks

The result is rather satisfying. Remember the trick to kill weeds is to apply appropriate dose of the herbicide. If overdosed, the leaves will die before it transports the venom to the root, on the other side the roots shall resist the poison if underdosed.

Previous Post on Weeds Killing

Friday, January 16, 2009

Portfolio B @ 15-January-2009

Eddy said: Boring market as usual. Nikkei slumped almost 5% in the afternoon session. Looks like the bear is going to dominate the sentiment till some bullish catalyst releases in the air.

Transaction Costs are excluded.

4000 unit of Pelikan
Avg Buy Price = RM 1.67, Market Price = RM1.11, Unrealized Gains/(Losses) = (RM2240)

10000 unit of IPower
Avg Buy Price = RM0.190, Market Price = RM0.145, Unrealized Gains/(Losses) = (RM450)

Realized Profit/(Loss)
1. Uchitec (RM340)
2. IPower (RM300)
3. E&O RM320
4. E&O (RM40)
5. E&O RM165
5. E&O RM50

Bought 4000 unit of Pelikan @1.13
Bought 3000 unit of Pelikan @1.12

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Don't focus on derivatives.
One of the most dangerous activities of banking is lending.

~ Ernest Patakis, Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Finance the Islamic way at small US bank

DETROIT: Big financial institutions have been battered by mortgages gone bad. But a tiny Michigan bank is getting attention in the industry by turning a profit on loans without even charging interest.

Its specialty: financial products that comply with Islamic law.

That means no collecting interest, no short selling and no contracts that are considered exceedingly risky.

It also rules out some of the activity that got Western finance in trouble - subprime mortgages, credit default swaps and the like.

"When you look at the economic crisis we're in, if you were to follow Islamic or Sharia financing, you couldn't have this crisis,'' said John Sickler, corporate director for the bank, University Islamic Financial Corp. in Ann Arbor.

Islamic finance operations aren't prohibited from making a profit.

University Bank President and Chairman Stephen Lange Ranzini, standing, talks with banking consultant Nabeel Shahid at the bank in Ann Arbor, Michigan - AP

Far from it.

Instead, banks that comply with Islamic law, or Sharia, earn money from fees that are part of the cost of the loan, some paid up front and some over time.

University Islamic Financial has two types of financing, one called a marked-up installment sale and the other a lease-to-purchase sale.

Fees in both cases are comparable to interest payments in traditional loans, bank officials say.

For example: A seller who bought a house for $100,000 could sell it for $120,000 or even $300,000, provided the buyer agrees it's a fair deal.

The home could be sold on an installment plan negotiated by buyer and seller.

The bank is a subsidiary of Michigan-based University Bank, and its leaders say they have talked recently with executives from two national banks hoping to learn more about the business.

Islamic law says money cannot grow by itself, the way it does with compounding interest.

Trade is acceptable as long as the equal amounts of money are traded or two different things are swapped with a fairly negotiated price.

So a dime for an apple would be considered "halal,'' or religiously acceptable, while one apple for two apples would be "harem,'' or unacceptable.

Even at University, not everyone is on board.

Some customers have closed their accounts when they learned it was engaging in Islamic finance.

Some employees who objected to the move quit.

The bank also stopped having a Christmas party and no longer serves alcohol at after-hours events.

The Michigan bank focuses on contracts that clearly spell out the risk and reward between lender and borrower.

University Islamic Financial says it's the nation's first to offer Sharia-compliant, federally insured deposits.

Islamic banking is more common overseas, but some U.S. banks and credit card companies are exploring the idea of branching out into Sharia products to reach out to the growing Muslim population.

So Islamic banking is only expected to increase in coming years.

Already, Citigroup offers Sharia products and services to clients overseas, and Visa says it has worked with banks around the world to offer Islamic-compliant products.

The conventional banking system could learn a lot from the idea, said Jawad Ali, a finance lawyer based in Dubai and London who specializes in structuring Sharia-compliant deals.

"We haven't made as much money as the conventional banks because we can't, for example, sell what we don't own,'' he said.

"We have to own it before we sell it. We may have missed out on gains in good times ... but we haven't suffered any losses.''

Of course, there's no guarantee that banks will find immunity in Islamic finance from a severe global downturn.

"I am not doing banking on Mars,'' said Afaq Khan, the head of Saadiq, the Islamic banking arm of Standard Chartered Bank, based in London.

"If real economic activity slows down significantly, the Islamic banking industry will also be affected.''

A Sharia-compliant mortgage is like rent-to-own: There is no note, or mortgage, but typically part of each month's payment is held toward the ultimate purchase.

The property is titled to an individual trust, or limited liability corporation. Deutsche Bank estimates total assets in the Islamic finance market at $1 trillion - a tiny fraction of global financial assets, but the bank said in a recent report that the sector been growing at a clip of 15 to 20 percent per year.

Most big international banks already have Islamic banking arms, and a November report by Moody's Investors Service shows that Islamic banks have been fairly resilient to the global economic downturn.

The U.S. banking industry has not embraced Sharia banking.

Wachovia, Wells Fargo and JPMorgan Chase said they have not adopted Sharia practices and declined to comment about what they may do in the future.

"As far as the future, we are always looking for opportunities to better serve our customers, but our specific strategy is proprietary,'' Wells Fargo spokeswoman Lisa Westermann said.

University Bank President Stephen Ranzini declined to name the U.S. banks that University Islamic has talked to.

But he said his bank soon plans to offer its services such as residential lending to other banks and credit unions nationwide.

Sharia banking is an idea "that is long overdue in this country,'' said Amal Berry-Brown, vice president at Comerica, a Dallas regional bank that has talked with Ranzini.

"At the same time, there really is quite a bit of work to be done.''

Comerica has a strong customer base around Detroit, home to the nation's most concentrated Muslim population.

One issue: There is "a big variance'' within Sharia law about exactly which financial practices are considered good and bad, said Mustafa Gultekin, a finance professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

For University Islamic, the niche appears to be paying off.

Ranzini said he expects it to generate more than 25 percent of the overall bank's revenue this year, up from about 20 percent last year. - AP

Monday, January 12, 2009

Portfolio B @ 12-January-2009

Transaction Costs are excluded.

3300 unit of Pelikan
Avg Buy Price = RM 1.77, Market Price = RM1.19, Unrealized Gains/(Losses) = (RM1914)

10000 unit of IPower
Avg Buy Price = RM0.190, Market Price = RM0.145, Unrealized Gains/(Losses) = (RM450)

Realized Profit/(Loss)
1. Uchitec (RM340)
2. IPower (RM300)
3. E&O RM320
4. E&O (RM40)
5. E&O RM165
5. E&O RM50

Bought 2500 unit of E&O @0.700
Sold 2500 unit of E&O@0.720

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Typical Nerd in atypical Action - Mouse Hunt

I gotta admit home improvement process requires time, energy and persistency. It's like you're owning a very fragile kingdom castle and all sorts of missiles keep flying into your direction. Damn.

The weed problem is temporarily under control and the situation being monitored since the grasses turning yellowish as at today. There are 2 more trees I wanna chop down but the obstacle is they are further away into the bushes and I don't want to take the risk of being bitten by snakes or other ferocious creatures.

Not forget to mention too that my house was under attack by termites few months back but luckily I've discovered it early and forced back the offensive wave using DIY potions. Again, it will be kept under constant monitoring.

I've gave up about getting rid those little crippy and unwittingly numerious wall crawling things - lizards. They know where to hide, i.e. somewhere out of my reach, darn and they don't fall into the trap houses I bought, costing me RM10.00 with no apparent returns. Maybe someday I will just get a cat to do the work for me.

And then the Rats are(were?) here.

It started from downstair. First, these bastards bite their way through the washing machine's water outflowing plastic pipe. 1 meter long of pipe became 0.5 meter where 50% of it disappeared. Grgggg... I've used metal cable to form a barrier of entry to prevent them from reentrance.

They got brains! Then they almost crawled in through basin into the toilet from outside. I was like "What the hell". Grgggg.... again metal cable in action.

When I thought every possible "door" is closed, they struck one more time.

This time through the basin piping in the kitchen. They bite the pipe to nearly form a hole for them to enter. Thanks to my sensitivity to environmental changes, I've noticed the "security hole" before it is too late. It costs me RM20 to replace the basin pipes. I've put metal cables at the pipe hole outside but it seems to me will not be long lasting and I'm still in the middle of thinking a permanent solution.

So far, no more rat invasive activities detected at downstair. Peace.

Holy craps! I really need to shout. Suddenly at night I heard sounds of "things" running around above the ceiling. Googled about possiblities and found that they might be birds, rats, squirrels or others. Bought one box of ready-to-use 2 wood plates with glues and placed them above the ceiling. Guess what?! Both of the plates caught a rat, albeit small one. Emm... not really cost effective since the product is RM9 meaning I need to spend RM4.50 to catch a stupid rat? So I reverted to use conventional rat glue with manual application on corrugated cardboards. RM8 for 3 applications, roughly RM2.7 for a trap. 2 of it already being fruitful and the remaining one is still awaiting its precious owner.

Total rat killed so far: 4 in 3 months

The tough part during mouse trapping is that when you're going to hunt for them up the ceiling, you need to get ready for some body stretching and bending with excellent balancing. The roof structure is not a free to walk open space. Most spaces are limited by woods, joints and concretes. Also, you don't want to be misstep because you will be destroyed your gypsum ceilings and injured yourself. And prepare for lots of dusts and perhaps spiders.

Phew.. now I'm well trained in walking above there.

What's next? I need to strategize :-)

Friday, January 09, 2009

Portfolio B @ 09-January-2009

Transaction Costs are excluded.

3300 unit of Pelikan
Avg Buy Price = RM 1.77, Market Price = RM1.17, Unrealized Gains/(Losses) = (RM1980)

10000 unit of IPower
Avg Buy Price = RM0.190, Market Price = RM0.145, Unrealized Gains/(Losses) = (RM450)

Realized Profit/(Loss)
1. Uchitec (RM340)
2. IPower (RM300)
3. E&O RM320
4. E&O (RM40)
5. E&O RM165

Bought 3000 unit of E&O @0.605
Sold 3000 unit of E&O@0.660

Dependence on Russian energy places Europe at risk

The EU must ensure that no one can hold it to ransom in future

The angry stand-off between Russia and Ukraine over gas is now seriously disrupting supplies to several European Union countries. Romania has lost 75 per cent of its supply; Bulgaria has only a few days' gas left; Slovakia is on the verge of declaring a state of emergency. The European Commission has waded in with indignant condemnation. But what may look like a replay of what happened three years ago, when Russia drew international condemnation for shutting off gas supplies to Ukraine is in many ways very different; 2009 is not 2006.

For a start, the political element is less evident, and not only because Russia and its state-controlled energy conglomerate, Gazprom, have been more adept in their public relations. This is more of a commercial row between energy companies over payments. Gazprom is demanding money it says it is owed by the Ukrainian state energy company, Naftogaz. Ukraine says it has paid. But the actual sum remains in contention, as does the price of future supplies. Gazprom stopped supplying gas to Ukraine on New Year's Day.

Falling world energy prices make for another distinction between 2009 and 2006. Three years ago, Russia was a major beneficiary of high oil and gas prices, which strengthened the rouble and enabled it to build up a massive budget surplus. The global credit crunch has reversed the process. Commercial self-interest dictates that Gazprom is no longer in a position to grant favours to Ukraine, even in the unlikely event that it wanted to. It needs the money. And Ukraine, as an independent country, will eventually have to pay market prices for Russian energy, like most of Gazprom's other customers.

The international mood has also changed. Internal rivalries have weakened successive Ukrainian governments and the goodwill generated by the Orange revolution is fading. Gazprom may be a difficult negotiating partner, but by obstructing the flow of gas through transit pipelines, Ukraine is holding both the Russian company and Gazprom's other customers to ransom.

Maybe it hopes that a panicked EU will somehow ride to its rescue, perhaps by interceding on its behalf with Gazprom. Given that its battered economy desperately needs the pipeline transit fees, however, its further logic is unclear.

If the rights and wrongs of the dispute look more complicated three years on, however, the lessons to be learnt by Europe's energy-importing countries are, depressingly, the same. Much of the European Union is vulnerable in the energy department. Sources of energy must be diversified - and soon.

While most West European countries and Turkey can resort to pipelines that do not cross Ukraine, many former Soviet-bloc countries are trapped. New pipelines – North Stream under the Baltic, and South Stream under the Black Sea – are under construction, but they will still leave much of Europe vulnerable to the capacity, and caprice, of one supplier: Russia. The security of the Nabucco pipeline, that would bypass Russia through Georgia, was called into question by the past summer's war.

Although not directly affected by the present dispute, Britain must also come to terms with becoming an energy importer again, curb demand and increase storage capacity. Most immediately, however, what is needed is a neutral disputes procedure capable of settling the differences between Russia and Ukraine. Without this, the EU could be contemplating the cycle of intimidation and cut-offs all over again.

Coffee may protect against oral cancers

Study: Drinking a cup a day reduces risk of developing the disease

NEW YORK - New research indicates that drinking coffee lowers the risk of developing cancer of the oral cavity or throat, at least in the general population of Japan.

The consumption of coffee in Japan is relatively high, as is the rate of cancer of the esophagus in men. To look into any protective effect of coffee drinking, Dr. Toru Naganuma of Tohoku University, Sendai, and colleagues, analyzed data from the population-based Miyagi Cohort Study in Japan.

The study included information about diet, including coffee consumption. Among more than 38,000 study participants aged 40 to 64 years with no prior history of cancer, 157 cases of cancer of the mouth, pharynx and esophagus occurred during 13 years of follow up.

Compared with people who did not drink coffee, those who drank one or more cups per day had half the risk of developing these cancers, Naganuma's group reports in the American Journal of Epidemiology.

They note that the reduction in risk included people who are at high risk for these cancers, namely, those who were current drinkers and/or smokers at the start of the study.

"We had not expected that we could observe such a substantial inverse association with coffee consumption and the risk of these cancers," Naganuma commented to Reuters Health, "and the inverse association in high-risk groups for these cancers as well."

The researchers conclude in their article, "Although cessation of alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking is currently the best known way to help reduce the risk of developing these cancers, coffee could be a preventive factor in both low-risk and high-risk populations."

Consumers confused about the new TNB billing system

MANY people have been complaining of high electricity bills ever since Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) introduced a new method of tabulating power usage recently.

“My bill has increased tremendously ever since the new tariff was introduced. All my children are students and need to use the computer and printer which increases the bill,” housewife K. Shanti said.

Shanti, 49, does not understand why the tariff for consumers who exceed 400kWh usage need to pay a 30sen per kWh charge.

“The rate is too high for a home user. Why hasn’t the TNB reduced the cost of electricity after the oil prices have decreased?” she asked.

According to a TNB spokesman, as the sole electricity provider in the country, the company was very concerned about the continuous misperception the public have about electricity tariffs and oil prices.

The spokesman said that TNB noted that many still assumed that the electricity tariff was raised due to a hike in the cost of petrol and diesel in June last year.

Huge jump: Shanti’s bill has increased tremendously since the new tariffs were introduced.

“This is not true. Instead, the increase in tariff is in line with the government decision to review the gas price to the power sector,” he said.

“The new tariff structure that took effect from July 1 last year was meant to allow the TNB to offset the increase in gas and coal prices,” he said.

Energy, Water and Communications Minister Datuk Shaziman Abu Mansor had earlier said that tariff could not be reduced for now although the price of oil has come down.

Shaziman had also said that in peninsular Malaysia, electricity was generated mostly by using gas and coal, and not oil.

“The three main sources to generate electricity in the peninsula is 60% gas, 30% coal and 6% to 7% hydro power while the rest from other sources,” the TNB spokesman said.

He said that TNB would maintain the lifeline tariff rate for household consumers whose monthly electricity consumption was up to 200kWh.

“For other users, we encourage them to consume electricity wisely such as by using energy efficient appliances,” the spokesman said.

Lee Kum Yun also complained about being confused with the tariff billing system.

“The tariff clearly indicates that the rates are per month. However, the TNB men who come and check the meter usually come several days after the month-long duration,” Lee said.

“So when they come after that one month, shouldn’t they recount the extra power used with the first tariff below 400kWh per month?” he asked?

According to the TNB spokesman, an estimate reading will be made in cases where the TNB meter reader is unable to read the meter due to unforeseen circumstances.

He said the TNB meter reader would provide an estimate reading of the bill.

However, the TNB will only give estimate readings of up to three consecutive months. In the fourth month, should the meter reader face a similar problem, the TNB will make arrangements with the house owner to allow its representative to take an actual reading of the meter.

The TNB spokesman said house owners should check out the company’s website –– for more details on tariff charges or energy saving tips.

Scandal shakes faith in accounting Big Four

One insider says PricewaterhouseCoopers was as shocked as anyone at the admission of years of financial deception at Satyam Computer Services

HONG KONG: A US$1 billion (RM3.53 billion) fraud at outsourcing firm Satyam Computer Services, dubbed "India's Enron", has shaken investor confidence in the world's Big Four accounting firms, which have expanded rapidly in Asia despite a general shortage of qualified accountants.

Ramalinga Raju, founder and chairman of India's fourth-biggest software services exporter, resigned on Wednesday saying profits were falsely inflated for years.

"This is shocking. I can't even let my thoughts go in the direction that there is another Satyam somewhere," said Shailesh Haribhakti, executive chairman of BDO Haribhakti, a consulting and management services firm based in Mumbai.

"I have very high respect for PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) who are their auditors, but it's incredible that such gross things existed and were not discovered," he said.

PwC said it was examining Raju's five-page resignation letter and declined further comment, though one insider said the accountant was as shocked as anyone at the admission of years of financial deception at Satyam.

PwC staff in Asia said they had received internal emails yesterday telling them not to discuss Satyam publicly.

"We are also shocked by the Satyam news and many of our colleagues and managers describe it as India's Enron, so you can imagine how big the impact will be to us," one PwC employee said on condition of anonymity.

PwC accelerated its Asia expansion in 2002 when it took over offices and staff from Arthur Andersen, which was auditor for Enron and once one of the "Big Five" global accounting firms, along with PwC, Ernst & Young Deloitte & Touche and KPMG.

Like its three big rivals, PwC has grown rapidly across Asia, particularly in China and India, recruiting thousands amid fierce competition for talent.

Frank Lyn, PwC's Beijing-based China Markets Leader, said in November that a shortage of talent was the firm's top challenge in China.

It can take three to five years to groom a fresh graduate at a major firm like PwC to the level of senior associate, who can meet clients directly for accounting services.

But firms in busy markets have sometimes fast-tracked new hires in services that can be beyond their professional level.

Sharmila Gopinath, research director at the Asian Corporate Governance Association in Hong Kong, said accounting firms face a lack of qualified people at all levels in Asia.

"Sometimes people, especially at the top, find themselves stretched at certain levels, especially when it comes to supervision of work," she said.

"While the Big Four work in places like India, China and Malaysia within the local context, they have a global standard which they must adhere to. Yet, the local rules can be vastly different and time-consuming to comply with," she added.

David Legg, managing director at Gerson Lehrman, a consulting firm specialising in private equity investments, said the Satyam case was a warning that investors should not rely exclusively on financial due diligence by accountants for deal-making decisions.

Gerson Lehrman says it provides "double-check" and in-depth research services for many private equity investors who also hire the Big Four for regular due diligence.

When markets turn bad and corporate frauds are more easily exposed, private equity firms like Blackstone and Carlyle seek additional channels to verify their investment portfolio or deal targets, Legg noted. - Reuters

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Portfolio B @ 08-January-2009

Eddy said: Seeing Hang Seng and other major indices plunged their way eradicating previous gains, I took a loss on 2000 unit of E&O bought yesterday, without hesitation.

Transaction Costs are excluded.

3300 unit of Pelikan
Avg Buy Price = RM 1.77, Market Price = RM1.16, Unrealized Gains/(Losses) = (RM2013)

10000 unit of IPower
Avg Buy Price = RM0.190, Market Price = RM0.145, Unrealized Gains/(Losses) = (RM450)

Realized Profit/(Loss)
1. Uchitec (RM340)
2. IPower (RM300)
3. E&0 RM320
4. E&0 (RM40)

Sold 2000 unit of E&O@0.560

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Portfolio B @ 07-January-2009

Transaction Costs are excluded.

3300 unit of Pelikan
Avg Buy Price = RM 1.77, Market Price = RM1.23, Unrealized Gains/(Losses) = (RM1782)

10000 unit of IPower
Avg Buy Price = RM0.190, Market Price = RM0.145, Unrealized Gains/(Losses) = (RM450)

2000 unit of E&O
Avg Buy Price = RM0.58, Market Price = RM0.575, Unrealized Gains/(Losses) = (RM10)

Realized Profit/(Loss)
1. Uchitec (RM340)
2. IPower (RM300)
3. E&0 RM320

Bought 2000 unit of E&O@0.580
Sold 2000 unit of E&O@0.605

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

McDonald's Prosperity Burger. Double Up? My Feet

I give no comments on the taste, textures or whatever craps review about McDonald's Prosperity Burger launched in Malaysia almost every year when the time is around Chinese New Year. I'm not stupid enough to see somebody jack up the price and expect you to get prosper with it. Nah.

Why am I so furious about this particular burger? As a matter of fact I'm not, but the Prosperity Burger "promotion" this year is like a scam on the loose (at least to my standard).

First and foremost, I suspect that the marketing guys in McDonald are doing their best not to let you (consumers) know about the price until you actually queue up at their counters and almost order the burger.

Check their website. Nothing stated about the price of Prosperity Burger but almost all other items are priced.

In their branch, there are stacks of Prosperity Burger brochures on the table. Taken one and read it and reveals nothing about the price.

Even the large dashboard at the back of the counter, the price is literally so small (Again, at least to my standard).

Secondly, I know that retail food prices are not regulated but RM18.88 for a burger set consists of a burger, a cup of carbonated drink and some fries..... It's an outrage. I rather go to Burger King. Yeah, that's right. I'm the consumer and I decide whether the restaurant and food is worthy my money. Boycott McDonald. At least I will for at least one calendar quarter. :p

At the end, I stepped out from McDonald shop and went to one kopitiam style restaurant and enjoyed my half-boiled eggs.

Monday, January 05, 2009

Wedding Photos

Not mine. :p.

My pal, Wong from Flextronics happily married last year and yet I was unable to make it to his dinner, I'm so regretted now :(

All the best dude.

Please enjoy the photos below:

Wedding Pics

Wedding Dinner Penang

Wedding Day KL

Wedding Dinner KL

Bali Honeymoon

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Portfolio B @ 04-January-2009

Eddy said: Simply bought 2000 unit of E&O after a glimpse at its financial report and few indicators.

Transaction Costs are excluded.

3300 unit of Pelikan
Avg Buy Price = RM 1.77, Market Price = RM1.24, Unrealized Gains/(Losses) = (RM1749)

10000 unit of IPower
Avg Buy Price = RM0.190, Market Price = RM0.14, Unrealized Gains/(Losses) = (RM500)

2000 unit of E&O
Avg Buy Price = RM0.445, Market Price = RM0.460, Unrealized Gains/(Losses) = RM30

Realized Profit/(Loss)
1. Uchitec (RM340)
2. IPower (RM300)

Bought 2000 unit of E&O@0.445

Top Blogs

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Get Ready for Massive Weeds Killing

Paint ball shooting? Nah, that's kid stuff.

I'm talking about killing real living beings here, even better they are just "sitting" around and let the massacre fall on them. MUAHAHAHA (Crazy laughing again).

The thing is like this. These irritating and potentially harmful weeds not really grow within my house sovereignty territory but somehow you know that one day they are going to "invade" your place. Check out the behemoth of weeds below:

See how tall are these trees? Luckily they are kinda far from my backyard. But the problem is there are signs of little similar monsters start to come nearby. I didnt notice them at first, luckily my mother in-laws warned us about it. If bad things happen without you knowing it beforehand, that's bad luck. However if someone've already warned you and you failed to take action to prevent or rectify it, that's stupidity. I'm smart of course.

As usual, to do any tasks in effective, efficient and safe manners, using the right tools is of utmost important.

Defensive equipments:
Safety boot
Sunray protective hat, goggle, mask

And long pants and long sleeve shirt.

Melee weapons:

Steel axe - Chop Chop Chop

Ranged weapons:

Backpack sprayer

Poison add-on:

Final death blow to the weed trees.

For the spraying part

My stash:


The actual cost for the above stuff is cheaper than I budgeted for it. The final price of RM265 include a 10 steps tall aluminium ladder. Cheap.

It was and still raining at this moment and what I need is a clear day to start the one sided windfall sure win war.

Top Blogs

Friday, January 02, 2009

The Banker

A Bunny Thing Happened on the Way To Work

What to Do With Leftover Champagne

No matter how much you imbibe on New Year’s Eve, chances are you’ll have some already-opened bubbly still left over on the morning after.

While mimosas, bellinis and other champagne cocktails are always an option on New Year’s Day, a more-healthful choice may be to use the uncorked bubbly in creative home cooking. Champagne is an excellent accompaniment to seafood and salads, and several Web sites offer recipes for starting the new year in a healthy way. offers seven things to do with leftover champagne, including a 10-minute dish, Scallops in Champagne Sauce.

Chef Bryan Voltaggio from Volt in Frederick, Md., suggests putting leftover champagne in an ice-cream maker. The resulting sorbet will have a bubbly effect and can be served atop raw oysters for brunch. He offers several more ambitious ideas as well at

The Galveston County Daily News offers recipes for a tantalizing dish of Gulf shrimp, curry powder, cilantro and champagne as well as champagne truffles and a champagne vinaigrette.

Planet Green suggests using leftovers to make champagne vinegar.

And suggests using leftover champagne or any leftover white wine to cook mussels.

Blood Sugar Control Linked to Memory Decline, Study Says

Spikes in blood sugar can take a toll on memory by affecting the dentate gyrus, an area of the brain within the hippocampus that helps form memories, a new study reports.

Researchers said the effects can be seen even when levels of blood sugar, or glucose, are only moderately elevated, a finding that may help explain normal age-related cognitive decline, since glucose regulation worsens with age.

The study, by researchers at Columbia University Medical Center and funded in part by the National Institute on Aging, was published in the December issue of Annals of Neurology.

“If we conclude this is underlying normal age-related cognitive decline, then it affects all of us,” said lead investigator Dr. Scott Small, associate professor of neurology at Columbia University Medical Center. The ability to regulate glucose starts deteriorating by the third or fourth decade of life, he added.

Since glucose regulation is improved with physical activity, Dr. Small said, “We have a behavioral recommendation — physical exercise.”

In the study, researchers used high-resolution functional magnetic resonance imaging to map brain regions in 240 elderly subjects. They found a correlation between elevated blood glucose levels and reduced cerebral blood volume, or blood flow, in the dentate gyrus, an indication of reduced metabolic activity and function in that region of the brain.

By manipulating blood sugar levels in mice and monkeys, researchers said, they tried to confirm a cause-and-effect relationship between the glucose spikes and the reduced blood volume, Dr. Small said.

Bruce S. McEwen, who heads the neuroendocrinology lab at Rockefeller University in New York and was not involved in the research, said the study’s findings were “compelling,” with important implications not just for the elderly but for the growing number of overweight children and teens at risk of Type 2 diabetes.

“When we think about diabetes, we think about heart disease and all the consequences for the rest of the body, but we usually don’t think about the brain,” he said. “This is something we’ve got to be really worried about. We need to think about their ultimate risks not only for cardiovascular disease and metabolic disorders, but also about their cognitive skills, and whether they will be able to keep up with the demands of education and a fast-paced complex society. That’s the part that scares the heck out of me.”

Previous observational studies have shown that physical activity reduces the risk of cognitive decline, and studies have also found that diabetes increases the risk of dementia. Earlier studies had also found a link between Type 2 diabetes and dysfunction in the dentate gyrus.

Sheri Colberg-Ochs, an associate professor of exercise science at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Va., said her research has found that regular exercise, even light physical activity, can offset the potentially negative effects of Type 2 diabetes on cognitive function. It is not clear what the mechanism is, she said, but may have something to do with the effect of insulin.

“This new study is interesting in that it allows for a greater understanding of which region of the hippocampus is likely most affected by poorly controlled diabetes,” she said.

But the elevations in blood glucose seen in the new study are more subtle and would not be considered a disease state, Dr. Small said.

“It’s part of the normal process of aging, much like wrinkling of skin,” he said. “It happens to all of us inexorably, and it worsens progressively across the life span

db2diag.log hexadecimal error number to DB2 SQLCODE

The error number conversion table below is intended for the hex error # in db2diag.log to db2 sqlcode. For example, the hex error number ending with 80D3 can be looked up by db2 ? command using SQL4977N sqlcode. -4977 is equivalent to 4977N (N for negative).

Sorry for the messy of the following list. Copied it from somewhere. You can click on the post title to go to IBM site that has this list.

Return Code  SQL State  Reason Code  Description  

80D3  -4977   Invalid export directory specified  

80D4  -4978   Dropped table cannot be accessed  

80D5  -4979   Unable to export the dropped table data  

80D6  -1620  1  Unable to flush event monitor because it wasn't started  

80D7  -1620  2  Unable to flush event monitor because it is running at a pre-version 6 output level  

811E  -996   Invalid user-specified directory  

812F  -290   Access not allowed: table space is quiesced  

8130  -290   Access not allowed: table space is load-pending  

8131  -290   Access not allowed: table space is delete-pending  

8132  -290   Access not allowed: table space is backup-pending  

8133  -290   Access not allowed: table space is rollforward-pending  

8134  -290   Access not allowed: table space is rollforward-in-progress  

8135  -290   Access not allowed: table space is recovery-pending  

8136  -290   Access not allowed: table space is disabled  

8137  -290   Access not allowed  

8138  -291   Invalid state transition  

8139  -294   Container is already being used  

813A  -295   Container names are too long  

813B  -297   Path name is too long  

813C  -298   Bad container path  

813D  -299   Duplicate container  

813E  -257   Raw device is not allowed  

813F  -258   Add containers pending  

8146  -1442   Bad container size  

8173              No dirty buffers  

81A7               Invalid alternate  

8201  +100   End of file reached  

8203  -952   I/O Interrupt  

8212  -804   Invalid request  

8303  -952   Interrupt  

8380             No term  

8381             No interrupt  

8382             No interrupt  

8383             Incompatible release level  

8384             Operation not supported  

8385              Server/requester migration level incompatible  

8386              ASP protocol error  

8387             Bad ASP object OBJDSS  

8388             Bad FDOCA object  

8389             SNA protocol error  

838A             Invalid SQL request  

838B             Cursor already open  

838C             Cursor not open  

838D             Syntax error  

838E             Invalid FDOCA descriptor  

8390             End of SQLDTAGRP  

8394             Parameter Error  

8395             Value Error  

8396            SQLDA too small  

8397            Invalid RPYDSS  

8398            Parser syntax error  

8399            FDOCA Error  

839A            End of input  

839B            Code point not found  

839C            SQLCODE set in parse  

839D            Data descriptor mismatch  

839E            Required parameter not received  

839F            Bad format  

83A0            Duplicate parameters detected  

83A3            Translation substitution  

8401  +100   End of file reached  

8403  -952   Interrupt  

8404  -950   Active cursor  

8406  -508   Invalid cursor position  

842E  -659   Check-pending state  

8443  -804   General purpose validation error  

844B  -1477 Table not available because forward recovery encountered no log operation  

8451  -680   Too many columns  

8502  -911   Deadlock encountered  

8503  -1044 Interrupt  

8544  -911   Lock timeout with transaction rollback  

8550  -913   Lock timeout with statement rollback  

856D  -902   SQLCA has been built and saved in a component-specific control block  

8574  -1035  File open error  

8575  -1015  Database needs recovery  

8576  -1042  Deadlock start error  

8577              Deadlock stop error  

8578  -1034   Recovery failed  

8579               Conditional conflict  

85A1               Backup pending  

85A2               Recovery pending  

85A4  +993   Invalid new log path  

85A5  +995   Invalid current log path  

85A6  -1267  Exist file not found  

85AA                Table space rollforward stopped  

85AB                I/O error encountered  

85AC                Duplicate entry  

85B3                Missing log extent  

85B4                Log extent is of a different size  

85B5  -1472   System clock difference exceeds max_time_diff on connect (log synchronization)  

85B6  -1473   System clock difference exceeds max_time_diff on commit  

85B7  +1474  System clock difference exceeds max_time_diff on commit (read-only)  

85B8  -276   Restore pending  

85B9  -1275 Invalid stop time for rollforward  

85BA  -1276 Invalid time to stop rollforward  

85BB  -4970 Rollforward is missing log files  

85BC  -4971 Rollforward log is already truncated  

85BD  -4972 Rollforward log path is full  

85BE  -4973 Rollforward log mismatch  

85BF  -4974 Rollforward query error  

85C0  -4975 Rollforward cancelled  

85C1  -4976 Rollforward not issued on catalog  

85C3  -4906 Table space rollforward has invalid table space set  

85C4  -1278 Table space rollforward required for rollback  

85C5  -1280 Invalid stop time for table space rollforward  

8659             Term characters not provided  

865A              Conversion table not loaded  

865B              No conversion table exists  

865C              Invalid target code page  

865D              Invalid source code page  

865F  -5123   Invalid code page  

8660  -5124   Invalid country code  

8661  -5125   Incompatible CP and CC  

8662              Invalid stored procedure  

8663              Invalid name  

8664              Expired password  

8665              Bad password  

8666              User or group description over 8 characters  

8667              User or group ID over 8 characters  

8668              Password over 8 characters  

8669              Bad group ID  

866A              Bad user ID  

866E              Not a descendant  

866F              SMG started in background  

8670              Invalid thread ID  

867F  -10nn  Dropped current directory  

86A8              Range too large  

86A9              Invalid user name  

86AA              Owner died  

86AB              Path error  

86AC              Programming error  

86AD              Exit list full  

86AE              Exit list not found  

86AF              Services not initialized  

870B  -138  Invalid SUBSTR parameter  

8711  -910   Table or table space drop pending  

8712  -804   Invalid request  

8713  -804   Bad request context  

8714  -804   Invalid section number  

8719  -811   Non-unique answer  

871D  -994   Savepoint error  

871E  -996   Invalid directory, involving the path length of the REORG directory  

874A  -1476 Forced rollback on unit of work because of an error on number of log tables  

876B              Authorization error  

876C              Authorization with different ID  

876D  -902   SQLCA has been built and saved in a component-specific control block  

877E              RDS error  

8803  -1044   Interrupt  

8905  -803   Duplicate key  

8971              Index scan incomplete  

897A              Index end of file  

897B              Index internal error  

897D              User ID suspended  

8A72              Compilation error  

8B07  -302   Output truncated  

8B08  -413   Values out of range  

8B09  -304   Conversion overflow converting date or time to character string  

8B0A  -303   Incompatible types  

8B0C  -309   Null input invalid  

8B0D  -305   Null output invalid  

8B0E  -804   Invalid output type  

8B0F  -822   Invalid input address  

8B10  -802   Math overflow  

8B15  -311   Negative SQLDA length  

8B16  -301   Incompatible types (dynamic)  

8B17  -180   Time or date syntax error  

8B18  -181   Time or date range error  

8B1A  -404   String column overflow  

8B1B  -406   Numeric column overflow  

8B1C  -407   Non-nullable column  

8B1F  -183   Date/time arithmetic result out of range  

8B20  -182   Date/time arithmetic duration out of range  

8B21  -176   Translate scalar run-time error  

8B22  -436   Null term missing on input CSTR  

8B47  -304   Conversion overflow (numeric value)  

8B48  -302   Numeric value out of range  

8B49  -801   Divide by zero operation not allowed  

8B4C  -420   Invalid input format  

8B4D  -410   Float string too long  

8B4E              Null-only truncation  

8B4F              Date is truncated  

8C03  -952   Interrupt  

8C05  -803   Duplicate key  

9301              Allocation failure  

9302              Conversion failure  

9303              Transaction processor (TP) not started  

9304              TP limit reached  

9305              Remote TP exit normal  

9306              Allocation failed, attempting retry  

9307              Allocation failed, no retry attempted  

9308              General allocation error  

9309              Conversion failed, no retry attempted  

930A              TP not started, no retry attempted  

930B              Remote TP abend  

930C              Communications Manager not loaded  

930D              Communications Manager abend  

930E              Bad security on conversation  

930F              Unknown APPC error  

9310              Communications Manager parameter bad  

9311              Communications Manager bad request state  

9312              External communications error  

9313              Remote TP send error  

9332              Invalid name or name number  

9333              Invalid session ID  

9334              Invalid command  

9335              Invalid data  

9336              Adapter error  

9337              Reset error  

9338              Other NetBIOS error  

9364              Node environment is corrupted  

960C              Communications Manager not loaded  

960F              Generic APPC error  

9617              Already connected  

9618              Connection in progress  

9619              Connection refused  

962A              Connection timed out  

962B              Address already in use  

962C              No connection  

962D              Socket is bound already  

962E              Socket is not bound yet  

962F              Socket not writable/readable yet  

9630              Partial message was sent  

9631              Partial message was received  

9C14              FCM communication error  

9C15              FCM node not found  

9C16  -1229   Node recovery  

A602  -901   Invalid memory address  

A603  -901   General memory management error  

A604  -901   Memory management error: invalid size  

AB01  -901   Internal error  

AC01  -901   Internal program error  

C107  -986   File error  

C109  -8100 Segmented tables, page number too high  

C119  -995   EMP indirect not found  

C11A  -995   EMP map information ended  

C11B  -995   EMP map information not found  

C11C  -996   Mapping information should exist, but cannot be found  

C11D  -292   Cannot create file  

C11E  -293   Container not accessible  

C180              Agent file close error  

C201  -970   Access denied  

C211              Seek error  

C212              Unknown media error  

C213              File not found  

C214              File already exists  

C215              File in use  

C216              Invalid file name  

C217              Commit failed  

C218              Undo failed  

C40A  -659     Maximum object size reached  

C47E              Index needs to be recreated  

C47F              File renamed  

C57F              File renamed  

C601  -970   Access denied  

C602  -972   Change disk  

C603  -972   Not a DOS disk  

C604  -974   Drive locked  

C605  -976   Device not ready  

C606  -978   File write-protected  

C607  -986   File error  

C608  -902   Delete directory error  

C67C              Device is busy  

C721  -2423   Missing index during offline backup  

C90A              Maximum object size reached  

CE0B  -1614  1  Encountered an unknown event monitor target type  

CE0C  -1614  2  The event monitor target path was not sent  

CE0D  -1614  3  Access to event monitor target path was denied  

CE0E  -1614  4  Event monitor target path is not the name of a pipe  

CE0F  -1614  5  No process has opened the event monitor target pipe for reading  

CE10  -1614  6  Encountered an unexpected I/0 error.  


21  Authentication failed due to no user licenses available  

D107  -960   No more file tokens  

D121  -289   Container full  

D122              Exceeded maximum quiescers  

D123  -296   Table space limit exceeded  

D124  -259   Map too big  

D20C  -968   Disk full  

D21A  -930   No memory: UNDO heap  

D315              No memory on requester  

D316              No memory on server  

D31D              Vectored I/O request too big  

D408  -962   Maximum tables in file  

D40D  -912   Too many locks  

D411  -902   Maximum long field file size  

D505  -930   Memory allocation failure  

D509  -964   Log file full  

D50A  -912   Lock list full  

D57F  -1004 Disk full log file  

D601  -954   No memory heap (for application)  

D602  -956   No memory heap (for database)  

D603  -101   No memory heap  

D604  -930   Share buffer exceeded  

D605  -930   Memory allocation failure  

D606  -958   Too many open files  

D607  -960   No more file tokens  

D60B  -955   No memory sort heap  

D60C  -968   Disk full  

D60D  -912   Too many locks  

D60E  -973   No memory  

D610  -902   No memory BSU heap  

D612  -953   No memory: AgentHeap  

D613  -957, -959  

No memory: ComHeap  

D614  -961, -962  

No memory: RSHeap  

D615             No memory: Users/groups  

D616  -930   No memory: DrIdx heap  

D617  -930   No memory: ASP heap  

D619  -930   No memory: Queue heap  

D61A  -930   No memory: UND heap  

D61B  -930   No memory: Lock heap  

D61C  -930   No memory: System heap  

D61D  -930   No memory  

D61E  -930   No memory  

D620  -930   No memory  

D625  -930   No memory  

D62B  -930  No memory  

D67D              Shared memory set exists  

D67E  -9  No memory for DosLoadMod  

D905  -930   Memory allocation failure  

D90F  -990  Index structure problem  

DC26  -6042 No FCM MSG_ANCHOR  

DC27  -6040 No FCM buffer  

DC28  -6041 No FCM connection entry  

DC29  -6043 No FCM request block  

DC2A  -902  No high priority buffer  

E101  -980  1  Bad page  

E10A  -980  10  File does not exist  

E10E  -982   Bad signature  

E119  -1034 Page CHECKSUM error  

E11A  -1035 Bad database, won't flush it  

E11B  -980  27  Both primary and shadow ORFs are bad  

E11C  -980  28  Primary ORF is bad  

E11D  -980  29  Secondary ORF is bad  

E11E  -980  30  Both primary and shadow SSFs are bad  

E11F  -980  31  Primary SSF bad  

E120  -980  32  Secondary SSF bad  

E40B  -980  11  Object does not exist  

E50D  -980  13  Bad log file  

E510  -5123   Error in log control file  

E511  -1258   Log control file not found  

E512  -1259   I/O error accessing log control file  

E513  -1260   Database not recoverable  

E514  -1261   Recovery not pending  

E515  -1263   Invalid log extent file  

E516  -1264   Log extent file does not belong to the database  

E517  -1265   Log extent file is the incorrect version  

E518  -1266   Point in time prior to recovery  

E521  -1034   Recovery failed  

E522  -1269   Error while retrieving file during forward recovery  

E57F  -1036   Adjust log file error  

E602  -980  2  CRC error  

E603  -980  3  Disk error  

E604  -980  4  General failure  

E605  -980  5  Read fault  

E606  -980  6  Seek error  

E607  -980  7  Sector not found  

E608  -980  8  Unknown media error  

E609  -980  9  Write fault  

E60A  -980  10  File does not exist  

E60C  -980  12  Cannot open file  

E60F  -980  15  Network access denied  

E623  -931     Too many open system files  

F051  -1042   Invalid log record encountered during redo or undo: unknown component  

F102  -902  2  BPS logic error  

F103  -902  3  Invalid buffer pointer  

F104  -902  4  No buffers  

F109  -902  9  Data does not exist  

F10A  -902  10  File already exists  

F10B  -902  11  Unfixed buffer page  

F10C  -902  12  Invalid file token  

F10D  -902  13  Invalid file type  

F110  -902  16  Invalid mode parameter  

F117  -902  23  Invalid reference  

F121  -902  33  RAM semaphore error  

F124  -902  36  Bad configuration file  

F136  -902  54  Bad header  

F13B  -902  59  File not found in the reorg linked list  

F149  -902  73  Bad database path  

F156  -902  86  Page already exists  

F176  -902  118  Invalid pool ID  

F17D              State already off  

F210  -902  16  Invalid mode parameter  

F21B  -902  27  Bad transaction ID  

F225  -902  37  Invalid file handle  

F331  -902  49  Bad selector  

F33C  -902  60  Tokenizer stack overflow  

F345              The server STARTDBM failed  

F34A  -902  74  Node manager thread failed  

F34B  -902  75  Database is bad  

F34C  -902  76  Parser stack overflow  

F34D  -902  77  Token buffer overflow  

F34E  -902  78  Bad value in code page table  

F34F  -902  79  Configuration mismatch  

F401  -902  1  DMS data file error  

F418  -902  24  Bad table handle  

F419  -902  25  Bad record ID  

F42D  -902  45  Reallocation error  

F42E  -902  46  Set signal error  

F42F  -902  47  Invalid mode  

F432  -902  50  Floating point error  

F451  -1042   Invalid log record encountered during redo or undo: bad record length  

F455  -902  85  Program error  

F47A  -902  122  Record deleted  

F47C  -902  124  Missing defaults  

F51B  -902  27  Bad transaction ID  

F51C  -902  28  Log file overflow  

F51D  -902  29  Fatal logic error  

F51E  -902  30  No active transaction  

F51F  -902  31  Maximum save points  

F520  -902  32  No active save point  

F527  -902  39  Bad record type  

F528  -902  40  Transaction ID table overflow  

F529  -902  41  Invalid LSN  

F52A  -902  42  Transaction already started  

F550  -902  80  Database in recovery mode  

F605  -1068   Message file not found  

F606  -1068   Message not found  

F609  -902  9  Data does not exist  

F60A  -902  10  File already exists  

F60B  -902  11  Unfixed buffer page  

F60C  -902  12  Invalid file token  

F60D  -902  13  Invalid file type  

F60E  -902  14  Lock violation  

F60F  -902  15  Directory overflow  

F610  -902  16  Invalid mode parameter  

F611  -902  17  Invalid path  

F612  -902  18  Invalid page number  

F613  -902  19  Sector boundary error  

F614  -902  20  System internal error  

F616  -902  22  File sharing error  

F617  -902  23  Invalid reference  

F61A  -902  26  Invalid selector  

F621  -902  33  RAM semaphore error  

F622  -902  34  Access error  

F624  -902  36  Bad configuration file  

F625  -902  37  Invalid file handle  

F626  -902  38  No file descriptor  

F631  -902  49  Bad selector  

F635  -902  53  Conditional failure  

F637  -902  55  Infinite retry  

F638  -902  56  Stored procedure not found  

F639  -902  57  Invalid drive  

F63A  -902  58  Bad heap ID  

F63D  -902  61  Duplicate queue  

F63E  -902  62  Bad queue handle  

F63F  -902  63  Queue message too big  

F640  -902  64  No message in queue  

F641  -902  65  Message not sent  

F642  -902  66  Queue does not exist  

F643  -902  67  Max queue limit  

F644  -902  68  Invalid queue name  

F690              DB2NODE environment variable has a bad value  

F691              The db2nodes.cfg file contains an error  

F730  -902  48  Invalid file  

F733  -902  51  Invalid compile request  

F85F  -902  95  Generic LOB manager error  

F860  -902  96  Cannot redo operation  

F861  -902  97  Beginning segment (BSEG) already trimmed  

F862  -902  98  Insufficient space  

F863  -902  99  No mini directory  

F864  -902  100  Invalid LM descriptor  

F865  -902  101  Invalid address  

F866  -902  102  LF space exhausted  

F867  -902  103  BSEG size/address conflict  

F868  -902  104  BSEG not free or allocated  

F869  -902  105  Incorrect BSEG size  

F86A  -902  106  BSEG not free  

F86B  -902  107  Bad count array  

F86C  -902  108  Lock error  

F86D  -902  109  Not found error  

F86E  -902  110  Value out of bounds  

F86F  -902  111  Unexpected NULL value  

F870  -902  112  Encountered fatal error  

F871  -902  113  Bad state  

F872  -902  114  Request too big  

F873              No slots for threads  

F874              Thread not waiting  

F875              Owner died  

F87B              Too many active threads  

F912  -902  18  Invalid page number  

F915  -902  21  Memory allocation error  

F92B  -902  43  Index token does not exist  

F92C  -902  44  Key not found  

F952  -902  82  SMP problems  

F953  -902  83  Invalid database release  

F954  -902  84  Program error  

FB2E  -902  46  Set signal error  

FC07  -902  7  Severe internal error  

FC21  -902  33  RAM semaphore error  

FC7E  -902  126  Component interface error  

FC7F  -902  127  FCM programming error  

FC80  -902  128  FCM daemon not available  

FC81  -902  129  FCM node configuration file error  

FC88  -902  136  BDS communication error  

FC89  -902  137  BDS partner error  

FC8F  -1445   No Context  

FD8A  -902  138  Invalid partition map ID  

FD8B  -902  139  Not able to fetch from catalog  

FD8C  -902  140  Invalid data type  

FD8D              Invalid partition number  

FD8E              PMAP is of a 1-node nodegroup

More information on interpreting db2diag.log entries.

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