Saturday, April 15, 2006

Time Machine I Bought Just Arrived

Within 1 month time after I submitted the official previous KWSP statement request form (Which proved to be useless) and faxed in a letter for the same purpose twice (One as initial request and the other as reminder), finally I received my KWSP statements from year 2001 to 2006 in my physical mail box today. Well, I only "ordered" for year 2001-2003 statements and they gave me till 2006, and this is one thing I'm happy about it. Besides this, one thing I need to complain abit about the entire process is that the process is almost fully manual, instead of computerized. As the largest retirement fund in Malaysia, I thought that their system must be automated to certain extend and formalized in the sense that the public knows how to follow the process, instead of raising the need to keep on buzzing the helpdesk or even their internal personnel personally. This causes latency and waste of public resources. I need to thank and express my appreciation to those staffs that help me in getting what I needed and I just want to blame and curse the processs, not the human.

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