Saturday, July 26, 2008

Connecting DB2 LUW to DB2 OS/390, Simple right?

Assuming that every necessary configurations are done at the zO/S, i.e. communication connectivity, authorizations, etc. It is blindly simple to set up DB2 LUW to talk to DB2 OS/390.

You just need to do the following in DB2 Command Window (Let say in Windows).

db2 catalog tcpip node NODE1 REMOTE SERVER OSTYPE OS390

db2 catalog dcs database AS

db2 catalog database AUTHENTICATION DCS

Ok, and if previously the utility packages are not bind yet, you might hit errors when try to run even simple commands in DB2 OS/390. To fix this, You will need to change directory to your \bnd now, and enter the following commands after you are connected to the host:

db2 bind @db2ubind.lst blocking all grant public
db2 bind @db2cli.lst blocking all grant public
db2 bind @ddcsmvs.lst blocking all grant public

Again, I will ask "Simple right?" ;-)

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