Friday, October 10, 2008

Blabbering Murmuring

Eddy said:

A tumultuous week for all the stoch exchanges, major investment regimes and center banks. How financial crisis in US turns out to be a disastrous maelstrom spinning everybody into the darkest side of financial practices. Hedge funds unwinding, foreign investments pull off, panic selling, force selling, margin calls amongst others which usually relatively harmless when acted invidually but at the intersection of every of them it could blow you off to Nevada's deserts.

Frankly speaking, I'm flattered and with all do respects not to meant sarcaism
to heavily loss inflicted people out there, excited to stand the chance to witness this turbulence myself and better still experience it since I made some equity investments too.

The sharper the decline in shortest time the better. Why? I want to see how people react to this phenomenon, how the authority take actions and what actions are they and most importantly to exploit possibilities for profit opportunities in a super bear market.

Another good reason for a timely market crash is to put pressure on sovereignty entities. I'm annoyed by "wait-and-see-first" attitudes and they have to understand that the longer they wait the more damages it could be.

It is not rational to make material decisions based on the results by mark to market your portfolio now (and cried out loud perhaps) in this currently irrational market. Two reasonable actions now might be clear position and take the cash out, or stay calm and average down when appropriate. Of course, averaging down is a high risk decision and due dilligence is needed to review your investment strategy and objectives. Think like an investor and act like one too. What Warren Buffett would do?

It's going to be the end of year 2008 soon and I hope this year will be a monumental year to me and everybody else.

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