Monday, July 27, 2009

Methodology Clashes?

We are all enslaved by our own dogma. Don't you agree?

I'd disagreed. Being dogmatic shouldn't be mistakenly treated as being held to facts as with stubborn to persistence. And yet facts must not be confused with common senses.

If in the entire universe, there are only 2 software development methodology and equal hordes of followers for each, can you tell which method is better? Hard to decide, ya. Most probably they are equally good or in a more negative perspective, equally worse. Survivorship bias contributes to the ill-perceived successfulness of perhaps any favored winners. Take water fall life cycle model for example, as one of the classic methods adopted in software development in past few decades, many large projects completed and rolled out but yet practitioners yelling about project failure rates. To certain extent, water fall model is proven to be a necessity for project failures and this judgement can only be made because the method had been used and tested extensively over a long period of time. The point is given two unproven, untested and possibly unknown methodology, it could be better in saving project time, if we just simply pick one and get a head start.

We now moved on to a world of unprecendented complexities and yet we are striving to simplify our understanding of "things". Many of us don't know about how a motor vehicle works, how Facebook homepage managed to show on your computer screen and so on. Despite all the simplications, we did not eliminate or reduce complexities but we now hide these nitty gritty details underneath a layer of people with professional skills. Ironically because of enormously growing complexity, even more details need to be abstracted from these professionals using friendlier tools or the hiring of "hard core" professionals. LOL.

Even better, the higher you climb on the corporate ladder, the less complex your works will be and more people are hired to manage your problems and well... complexities. Better life and higher pay :D.

Me Blabbing again...

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