And I suddenly realized that the state of contents quality control, accuracy and completeness is way of the it's intended path. As usual, there are always people (in this case, journalist) irresponsible enough, copy-and-pasting the article from somewhere and cross their finger and hope that the chief editor didn't shout at them.
Misrepresentation and Misconduct. Two main phenomenons we keep encountering in this information age.
Basically, the article tried to pass you a message like this "Tap water contains nitrates and you shouldn't reboil those water because it will make the contained nitrates concentrated and your body doesn't really like concentrated nitrates" and "Tap water containes chlorine and boiling water makes chlorine vapourize and you shouldn't treat your face with vapourized steams".
I think, the guy who said this basically exaggerating the effects of these. The statements make are totally not scientific at all. Ok, it might be possible that the statement originator have a longer version but anyhow the journalist just summarized it and inflated the "picture" and hope it will attract many readers.
Ok, my understanding is like this:
Point 1. Not all sources of water contains chlorine and/or nitrates.
More information
Our source water in Malaysia might be contaminated by:
- fertilizers and manure
- animal feedlots
- municipal wastewater and sludge
- septic systems
- N-fixation from atmosphere by legumes, bacteria and lightning
Point 2. Reboiling water without nitrates in it wouldn't create nitrates.
If your have a cheapo point of entry and another cheapo point of use water softener, you can reboil the water after the tap N number of times that you wish. Same concept applied to chlorine.
Point 3. Nitrates doesn't kill
Only a significant level of nitrates will causes harm to human health. Don't freak out, nitrates are all around you.
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