Friday, June 06, 2008

Loot from Macau

I'm not the one looting the treasures. Mrs Nerdy went to Macau on business trip for 4 days few weeks ago and she brought back foods and only foods.

Coke Cola, not seen in Malaysia yet. I can see but not allow to open and drink them. Haha, Mrs. Nerdy gonna kill me if I'm ruining her coke collection.

I love these preserved snacks, especially the preserved apricot with peppermint. Very nice, and I already ate them all by this moment.

Preserved Apricot

Preserved Peach

Lao Kong (In chinese, means Husband)'s biscuit


Choi Heong Yeun (咀香園) Bakery's famous almond biscuit

Nice biscuit with laver and shredded pork.

Didn't try this out, gave out as gift.

She also brought a bottle of 1 liter Benedictine D.O.M.E for the price of RM99 at the duty free shop at the KLCC airport.

Benedictine DOME

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