Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Summary of New Features in JavaServer Faces 1.2 Technology

  • Alignment with JSP technology

  • Ease-of-use improvements in support for custom messages

  • Improved state-saving behavior

  • Ability to turn off generation of component client IDs

  • New setPropertyActionListener Tag

Finally, JSF 1.2 specification decided to deprecate the use of JSF EL in favour of JSP EL. This move is good because it promotes a more reusable syntax and development semantic to JSP/JSF developers and makes JSF more tightly integrate to J2EE platform.

The exclusive support of JSP JSTL forEach action in iterative manipulation of JSF components eliminate the need of using JSF dataGrid (Which is one of the workaround for prior JSF version) to contain dynamic iterative generation of JSF components. Also, it eliminates the use of f:verbatim in correctly rendering interleaved HTML and JSF contents.

As usual, the use of IFrame, HTML frameset or multiple browser windows causes technical issues to the server side frameworks that manipulate states using certain id such as session id, view id and others. JSF 1.2 rectified this problem in the framework.

By following the new specification, I desperately waiting for the next line of JSF IDE where the promises of better JSF nirvana can be delivered.

Read more by following the link below.

Sun Java: JSF 1.2

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